
Volunteering in Prenčov / Banská Štiavnica: Culture of Permaculture 2025 2024


Date start: 01 Jan 2025

Date end: 31 Dec 2025

For many people, permaculture mainly means caring about the garden and plants. Permaculture however is a wider concept that includes in addition to earth care, caring about the people and their needs. It is based on relationships that should grow and support each other. Growing inside can be approached either in a philosophical, emotional, or mental way in our vision and understanding of the world. Growing outside can be related to gardening, relationships, nature, or our skills. Perma comes from permanent –something that can be sustainable. Culture is a complex of specific spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional traits of a society or social group, which also includes a common way of life, lifestyle, value system, traditions, and faith. We will explore together “What is perma-Culture?” not only in a material way, but also in philosophical, social, and also personal way.