As with any DVClinSci applicant, you are required to meet a combination of academic and clinical prerequisites:
For consideration for the Maria Vasas Scholarship, you must be:
Planning to undertake clinical training and research in the specific area of equine health and its application in treatment and care, enrolled via the School of Veterinary Science (SVS).
In conjunction with your application, applicants are asked to briefly outline potential project concepts in the form of a one-page research project description that clearly outlines suggested advisors and chosen discipline area. We ask that applicants align their proposal with both their own research interests and expertise but also that of the following UQ Experts:
Applicants must discuss research project opportunities and professional program availability and confirm both prior to applying.
Please note that any project proposal would be draft concepts only and the successful applicant would work with the chosen advisory team to finalise a viable and funded project, prior to School of Veterinary Sciences endorsement.
There is a preference for the successful applicant to commence in January 2025.
Your application will be ranked on the basis of: