  • Etiquetas boostés

Bourses d’étude complète à l’université d’Urbino licence et mastère 2024-2025


Full scholarships at the University of Urbino for a bachelor’s and master’s degree 2024-2025
The University of Urbino offers scholarships for Bachelor, Integrated Master and Master courses for the academic year 2024-2025, to international students who have completed their studies at
abroad according to the terms specified.
- Application form
Each candidate can submit their application online .
2-Required documents
The following documents must be uploaded during the application process:
* Copy of candidate's passport
* Cover letter with indication of the chosen course;
* Final certificate of studies accompanied by the “Declaration of value” and legalization of signatures (or Declaration of comparability and Cimea verification declaration) if possessed.
Each applicant is required to complete and submit the application form before the
June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Italian time).
Application deadline: June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Program available: Bachelor’s and Master’s
Number of Scholarships 7 Scholarships