
International Student Scholarships at Uskudar University, Turkey


Scholarship Description:

Scholarships and Discounts provided to Undergraduate and Associate Degree Students:

ÖSYM Scholarships

Granted by ÖSYM to students choosing one of Üsküdar University’s programs stated on Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide as 100%, 75%, 50% or 25%.

Preference Scholarship 
Students who have chosen Üsküdar University’s undergraduate programs as first preference on ÖSYM guide receive 25% discount, as second preference 15%, and third, fourth, fifth preference 10% discount. 

First 5 Preferences Scholarship 
Students who have chosen Üsküdar University’s 5 undergraduate programs as their first preferences on ÖSYM guide receive 25% discount. 

University Entrance Scholarship 
Students who are in the first 1000 according to the results of ÖSYS and signed up for undergraduate programs of Üsküdar University receive 1000TL monthly during the academic year.

Sibling Scholarship 

Siblings who are students of Üsküdar University (including graduates’ siblings) receive 10% discount each.

Institution Scholarship 

During signing up for any undergraduate programs of Üsküdar University, following candidates receive 10% discount: members of and children of members of Turkish Army, Police Department, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, University and National Education, those who are subject to 657 and their children.

Special Deprivation Scholarship 

Those who rose in the dormitories of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, those who grew up without a father and mother during primary school period, and children of martyrs and veterans receive 50% discount.

Sports Scholarship
Those who submitted the document for National Athlete receive 25 %, athletes who play in one of the professional sports league receive 20%, the first three winning athletes in national competitions in individual sports in the last three years receive 15% discount. These students represent Üsküdar University in activities related to their field.

Science, Art, Religion and Culture Scholarship 

Students who were internationally successful in the fields of Science, Art, Religion and Culture receive 20% discount, students who were nationally successful receive 10% discount. These students represent Üsküdar University in activities related to their field.

International Baccalaureate Scholarship

  Students who have 32 or more International Baccalaureate diploma grade receive 25% discount.

TÜBİTAK Scholarship 

Those who received gold, silver and bronze medals in international competitions identified by TÜBİTAK and who enroll in our full scholarship-departments and programs in the field they received reward are given 300TL monthly scholarship during the academic periods.  

Academic Achievement Scholarship 

At the end of each academic year, students who received training at least 2 semesters and have weighted GPA 3.50 or more receive 3.90-4.00 % 50, 3.80-3,89 % 40, 3.70-3.79 % 30, 3.60-3.69 % 20, 3.50-3.59 to receive % 10 discount in the following academic year according to the degree of success.

Personnel Scholarship 

Employees of Üsküdar University or NP Group and their first degree relatives (mother, father, spouse, children) and their siblings receive 50% discount. At the time of the final registration to Üsküdar University, a 25% discount is given to the academic staff and the parents, spouse, children and siblings who have completed one year of tuition.

Graduate Scholarship 

Students who graduated from Clinical and Applied Psychology (with thesis) graduate programs at Üsküdar University and who are placed in Üsküdar University doctoral programs are given 20% discount.

The Board of Trustees Scholarship 

The Board of Trustees, in its sole discretion, under the conditions required, can give scholarship at a self-determined degree.

Deprivation Scholarship

Those students who became unable to pay due to unforeseen reasons and certify this condition while continuing their education in Üsküdar University, if deemed necessary by the scholarship committee, receive lunch and working scholarship during the academic year with the approval of the Board of Trustees. In the following years, students shall reapply together with documents required.

Foreign Student Scholarship

Foreign students who enrolled in Üsküdar University under the quotas for foreign students received discount at the rates determined yearly by the Board of Trustees. 

Disabled Student Scholarship
According to their report rate, disabled students who enrolled in programs of Üsküdar University receive;
Disability 40% : 25% discount
Disability 50% : 30% discount
Disability 60% : 35% discount
Disability 70% : 40% discount
Disability 80% : 45% discount
Disability 90% and more 50% discount.

Vertical Transfer Scholarship 
Students enrolled in programs, allowing vertical transfer through DGS, will receive 50% discount. Students graduated from Vocational School of Health Services and enrolled in the Faculty of Health Sciences will receive 10% additional discount.
 Scope and Termination of Scholarship 
1) Scholarship covers tuition fees only. 
2) Students can benefit from only one of our scholarships/discounts (except sibling scholarship). 
3) Students who are eligible to receive scholarships and discounts for more than one can benefit only from the one with highest amount. 
4) ÖSYM Scholarships are not ended during normal academic period regardless of success status. 
5) In case of disciplinary action, students’ scholarships/discounts granted by the Board of Trustees are ended, except ÖSYM scholarship. 
6) Scholarships/discounts granted by the Board of Trustees are ended if the student fails in the Preparatory Program in the first year and will repeat it. 
7) If a student of our University repeats the exam of ÖSYM and enrolls in the same program, this student can’t benefit from scholarships except ÖSYM Scholarships. 
8) In case of termination of employment contract of the student, first degree relative or sibling, excluding retirement, personnel scholarship is ended. 
9) Scholarships that are not directly related to the tuition fee and applied as a monthly gratuity can be combined with other scholarships.